The Buzz about the Ipad 3

Techies are excited for the release of the Ipad 3 which is rumored to kill the competition. The Ipad 3 Retina Display is likely to be 4 times more powerful than the display of the IPAD 2.  It’s also supposed to have two USB ports.  These two ports of course are ideal for those who really want to work using their tablets. Those who are expecting built in Adobe Flash will probably still have to download it because as most of us know, Steve Jobs still doesn’t support it.  He may have stepped down from his post but surely he still has a great pull as far as the development of the latest Ipad is concerned. Whether the Ipad 3 will be included in this year’s holiday shopping, still has to be determined the much anticipated retina display seems to be giving the manufacturers a hard time in delivering this latest upgrade feature.

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